
Kosovo Collective-WHAT HAPPENED TO KURTI’S NEW APPROACH TO KOSOVO SERB INTEGRATION On the 15th May 2021, New Social Initiative (NSI) and the Peacebuilding Group organized a discussion with Kosovo Albanian and Serb CSO activists, researchers, journalists, and academics in Ferizaj/Uroševac. Following the newly elected Prime Minister Albin...

The efficiency of Serbia and Kosovo’s institutions’ mechanisms in finding missing persons from the war in Kosovo in the period from 2016 to 2020 After September 2020, when the Washington Agreement was reached, and the EU-facilitatednegotiations between Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels renewed, resolving enforceddisappearances from...

E-Municipalities: A step towards full citizen participation Since its establishment until today, there is a growing trend in the number of users of E-Municipalities platforms, as well as in the number of people who use mechanisms for citizen participation. –  Using E-Municipalities, citizens received answers to 51...

Dealing with the Past Principles The Principles on Dealing with the Past is a civic initiative promoted by a group of practitioners and civil society organizations in the field of Dealing with the Past. The group embarked on a joint initiative to chart and endorse a...

Citizens Perspective on a Future Strategy for Transitional Justice in Kosovo This report aims to bring forth Kosovo citizens’ perspective on transitional justice and dealing with the past, which should be taken into account when a future national strategy on transitional justice is devised. While the study does not...

The diplomatic shuttle has taken off This publication (The diplomatic shuttle has taken off) has been produced with the support of the European Endowment for Democracy (EED). Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of EED. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in...