The 4th phase is the final phase of the project “Kosovo Trustbuilding Platform” which foresees the outreach of the Kosovo Trustbuilding Platform Network through publishing of content on the platform…
Linking Through Lenses was a 16-month project funded by the Swiss Embassy in Kosovo with the aim to enables social media influencers (YouTubers, Instagramers, TikTokers, and others) to shape the…
#LetsShareOurLanguage will develop innovative, digital tools and instruments to enhance Kosovo institution capacities and increase their compliance with the Law on the Use of Languages and promote social acceptance of…
The project activities are designed in a way to look closely at UNSC Resolution 1325 and its implementation in Kosovo, especially the pillar focused on the participation of women in…
Through 18 months-long action Integra, New Social Initiative (NSI) and PAX, International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) and the Division for Transitional Justice will facilitate thoroughly the process of developing…
Through the proposed 30 month action (February 2021 - July 2023), PAX, the International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), Integra and New Social Initiative (NSI) from Kosovo, Peace Action from…
The overall objective of this project was to contribute to the democratization process and constructive inter-ethnic dialogue through challenging state capture in Kosovo by fostering and promoting positive inter- community…
The purpose of the Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation (RCT) activity in Kosovo is to address current reconciliation needs between different ethnic groups in Kosovo on the individual, community, and institutional…