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#LetsShareOurLanguage will develop innovative, digital tools and instruments to enhance Kosovo institution capacities and increase their compliance with the Law on the Use of Languages and promote social acceptance of official languages in Kosovo.

The project will improve the process of complaints and develop online/digital tools that would become an integrated part of central and local level institutions’ websites, that will become a part of at least 50% (14) local self-governments and (10) ministries.

This project will provide an opportunity for citizens to register language non-compliance and get a response from the institutions within 48h, on how the respective institution will address the issue and provide service in the requested official language.

Project duration: 18 months (April 2021 – September 2022)

Action will be implemented in cooperation with the Centre for Social Initiatives and the Office of the Language Commissioner with the financial support of the Embassy of Netherlands in Kosovo.


#LetsShareOurLanguage will develop innovative, digital tools and instruments to enhance Kosovo institution capacities and increase their compliance with the Law on the Use of Languages and promote social acceptance of official languages in Kosovo.

The project will improve the process of complaints and develop online/digital tools that would become an integrated part of central and local level institutions’ websites, that will become a part of at least 50% (14) local self-governments and (10) ministries.

This project will provide an opportunity for citizens to register language non-compliance and get a response from the institutions within 48h, on how the respective institution will address the issue and provide service in the requested official language.

Project duration: 18 months (April 2021 – September 2022)

Action will be implemented in cooperation with the Centre for Social Initiatives and the Office of the Language Commissioner with the financial support of the Embassy of Netherlands in Kosovo.

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