Women inclusion is an opportunity, not just an obligation
“I encourage those in Kosovo who have the power to appoint women to decision-making positions to do so. To include women in high-level negotiations important for Kosovo needs to be seen as an opportunity. It is statistically proven, that negotiation processes that include women are more likely to be implementable and sustainable”, said the Head of the EU Mission in Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog on Tuesday 26th October at the closing event of the European Union Special Representative’s project „Inclusion of Women at the negotiating table in Kosovo “, implemented in partnership with the New Social Initiative.
The project designed to look closely at UNSC Resolution 1325 and its implementation in Kosovo, especially the pillar focused on the participation of women in peacebuilding initiatives and negotiations was crowned with the report “Women at the negotiating table in Kosovo” presented by NSI’s Executive Director, Jovana Radosavljević, on Tuesday in the Europe House in Pristina.
“Civil Society Organizations should advocate unanimously for the inclusion of women in leadership positions and not leave it only for organizations dealing with women’s rights”, urged Radosavljević.
The conference was attended as well by the Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Rexhepi who commended the new government for striving to equal gender representation in the public office.
“The government of which I am a part gives a lot of space to female representatives, not only in most ministries but also in the civilian staff when it comes to employment, and it is with great importance that we have the support of the Prime Minister. I personally believe that in this government a woman should be part of the negotiating team,” said Rexhepi.
The overall objective of the project was to improve the ability of the target group of women to access positions of responsibility in negotiations as well as to engage in, and advocate for the inclusion of women in high-level negotiations and political dialogues, as well as enable the EUSR to keep the dialogue on gender equality and women empowerment with relevant partners from local civil society, professional associations, Kosovo institutions and international community presence in Kosovo.
The project activities included organization of a launching event, 6 roundtables in as many regions throughout Kosovo, a training session on EU Agenda for Women, Peace, and Security, and a final event where the recommendations from project activities were presented.