I am Asking for Truth and Peace

I am Asking for Truth and Peace

A few days after the armed conflict in Banjska/Banjskë, we have finally gathered together. I was sitting with my family. Everyone at the kitchen table was still in shock. I said out loud that which I had been thinking since September 24 – I am grateful that all those close to me were alive. Because there were casualties. A member of the Kosovo Police and three Serbs, one of which is from my hometown.

Who put weapons in the hands of my fellow citizens? I do not believe in official accounts. They are not the whole truth – of that I am certain.

Still, I have neither concrete answers to this question, nor do I have an answer as to what were the motives to engage in something that was disastrous for them, their families, but also the entire community in the North. I believe that compulsion, abuse, and manipulation could be behind the motives…

I, along with the entire public, am intrigued as to ultimate goals. I do not believe in official accounts on this matter either.

Whatever the goal was, one thing is for sure – this conflict, too, brought about fear, not only with Serbs in the North. Interethnic relations have additionally been harmed; messages from Belgrade and Pristina truly contribute to only additional distrust, as is the case with disinformation of unseen proportions.

After the shooting and weapons, life for Serbs in the North of Kosovo seems like “freefall” headfirst. The dose of fear and expectation is unusual.

On the other hand, I am sure that September 24 would not have even happened, had there been true care for the needs of citizens by both Belgrade and Pristina.

No, I do not represent, nor do I accept the idea of an armed rebellion of Kosovo Serbs; I merely emphasize that, due to pandering to the electorate, both Belgrade and Pristina choose militarization.

“Both our and their politicians, who cannot agree how to let us have a peaceful life, are to be blamed” – said one of the residents of Banjska/Banjskë after the armed conflict.

Indeed, had both sides been carefully listening and considering the needs and concerns of their citizens, and in this case those in the North, today I might have been writing about advantages of a new agreement which, for example, simplifies everyday life.

Now, after Banjska/Banjskë, an unusual and never before seen event, the usual and expected takes place. For both Belgrade and Pristina, remaining in power takes precedence over normal lives of citizen – heavy focus is put on party politics and a campaign is implemented, aimed at the electorate.

I am afraid that the “freefall” keeps going faster and faster.

That is why I am asking for truth and peace.

We need the truth about the conflict in Banjska/Banjskë. However, it must be the real truth, without political and party meddling.

The real truth is, I believe, the strongest “weapons” of Kosovo Serbs.

Peace – for those close to me, among which are my fellow citizens of whichever nationality.

Weapons in hands, whomever they belong to, pointed at regular citizens, are no way to build trust. Quite the opposite. Let us remember, besides – the history of wars, repression, and weapons in Kosovo is a long one. It seems to me that history is repeating itself, albeit in switched roles.

Let us change the scenario – war and leaving the family home must not be neither mine, nor anyone’s future in Kosovo.

For that reason – truth and peace.


Ana Marija Ivković

Editor-in-chief, Alternativna

Ana Marija Ivković is a journalist and civil activist from northern Kosovo. She is the editor of the Alternativna portal and a journalist for Kontakt Plus Radio. With a decade of experience in journalism, she has reported for local and regional media. She has been following the Brussels process since its beginning. In the last two years, her work has focused on field reporting and tackling misinformation.
