Inspiring Students for a Multilingual Future

Inspiring Students for a Multilingual Future

During this year, the the dedicated members of the NSI Team have worked hard in promoting multilingualism.

Our efforts have taken us to numerous seconadry schools across all seven districts of Kosovo where we introduce and promote the bachelor’s Program of Balkanistics at the University of Pristina.

In order to capture students’ interest in multilingualism, we decided to make our sessions interactive and interesting, and we did this through a quiz that allowed them to learn intriguing facts about languages. In addition to the quiz, we also prepared a short video for students with a message from the dean of the faculty, who gave a comprehensive overview of the curriculum and the many benefits of studying multilingualism, emphasizing the unique opportunities for personal and academic growth it offers.

During one of our visits, we had a special guest – Suzana Marić, one of the students of the program. Suzana shared with the students her personal experiences and insights on her educational journey at the University of Pristina, which allowed the students to learn first-hand what it is like to study in that program and what they can expect if they choose to embark on this educational path.

Through our visits to secondary schools in Kosovo, we tried to inspire and encourage students to consider attending the bachelor’s program of Balkanistics at the University of Pristina.

This info sessions were implemented in the framework of the “Raising awareness on the importance of language learning through education in Kosovo” project, implemented by the New Social Initiative – Nova društvena inicijativa (NSI) and supported by the office of the European Union Special Represenative in Kosovo.

