The recent statements of members of the parliament Eman Rrahmani and Visar Korenica, regarding their withdrawal  from the “Lëvizja Vetëvendosje” and their opposition towards the Draft of the Civil Code, represent a dangerous step in the fight for equality and human rights in Kosovo. As organizations dedicated to human rights, we condemn all these statements, which distort the values of society as defined in the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, by promoting discrimination and inequality.

The Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo guarantees equal rights for everyone, regardless of one’s gender, sex, sexual orientation, age, etc.

The rhetoric of these MPs and political activists claiming that some laws, concerning those that support children’s rights, women’s rights, and the rights of LGBTIQ+ persons, are “unacceptable even for Europeans”, is not only incorrect, but incentive of hatred, intolerance and are in opposition with values of human rights and equality that Kosovo has pledged to guarantee by integrating the international conventions that protect human rights into its Constitution.

Kosovo must continue to build a society that respects the rights of all its citizens, regardless of their gender, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. The protection of the rights of vulnerable groups is in accordance with European human rights standards, which Kosovo has embraced as part of its path towards European integration. The guarantee of these rights is a sign of progress and inclusiveness, not regression and division.

Human rights are non-negotiable.

We call on all political parties, the Central Election Commission, civil society organizations, the media and competent institutions to remain in their constitutional and legal duties in defense of the values proclaimed in the Constitution of Kosovo. We call on the abovementioned actors to reject divisive rhetoric that aims to marginalize vulnerable groups and undermine the constitutional values of equality and justice.

  1. Nisma e të Rinjve për të Drejtat e Njeriut – Kosovë (YIHR KS) 
  2. Qendra për Zhvillimin e Grupeve Shoqërore (CSGD) 
  3. Qendra për Barazi dhe Liri (CEL Kosova)
  4. Qendra Kosovare për Studime Gjinore (QKSGJ)
  5. Civil Rights Defenders
  6. Instituti Sehkmet 
  7. QIKA 
  8. Partners Kosova Center for Conflict Management (Partners K)
  9. Iniciativa për Progres (INPO)
  10. Community Building Mitrovica
  11. Hyjneshat 
  12. OJQ THY
  13. ORCA 
  14. Anibar
  15. Bubble Foundation 
  16. Integra 
  17. Roma Versitas Kosovo (RVK)
  18. Kosovo Law Institute (KLI)
  19. Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (VoRAE)
  20. Fourth Wave
  21. Dylberizm
  22. DokuFest
  23. Levizja FOL
  24. QKSS
  25. Forumi Kosovar i Aftësisë së Kufizuar 
  26. KIPRED
  27. CDF
  28. Artpolis
  29. Fondi për të Drejtën Humanitare Kosovë
  30. KCSF
  31. RrGK
  32. Democracy Plus (D+)
  33. PIPS
  34. New Social Initative (NSI)
  35. ATRC
  36. Instituti për Politika Sociale
  37. QKRMT
  38. KYC 

