From Fake to CheckCitizens’ Dialogues on Tackling Disinformation in the Western Balkans

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From Fake to CheckCitizens’ Dialogues on Tackling Disinformation in the Western Balkans

From Fake to Check (FFTC) is an innovative project led by Missions Publiques in collaboration with four partners of the Western Balkans region, with News Social Initiative being responsible for the activities in Kosovo. The initiative supports the Office’s commitment to fight against disinformation threats as well as its strategic support of the Western Balkans in the light of their EU accession process.

FFTC is centered around three key pillars:

Bottom-up training for local partners – Missions Publiques provides comprehensive training and continuous accompaniment to local partners.
Citizens’ Dialogues implementation – Implementation of one-day-long citizens’ dialogues in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. During these, participants will exchange with their peers about disinformation and its consequences. They will count with experts’ input to nourish their discussions and will be accompanied by trained facilitators to produce a set of recommendations on how to tackle this issue. The overarching goals of the implementation of the citizens’ dialogues are to enhance active citizenship in non-electoral contexts, to strengthen civic skills and virtues, and to foster media and information literacy.
Advocacy tool for disinformation counteraction – By capitalizing on the recommendations produced by the participants of the citizens’ dialogues in four different countries, From Fake to Check’s final report will constitute a powerful advocacy tool to tackle the spread of disinformation, foster information literacy, and the protection of democratic values within the Western Balkans on the path towards EU membership.

Duration of the project: 7 months (July 2023 – February 2024)

Funded by: The German Foreign Federal Office

From Fake to CheckCitizens’ Dialogues on Tackling Disinformation in the Western Balkans

From Fake to Check (FFTC) is an innovative project led by Missions Publiques in collaboration with four partners of the Western Balkans region, with News Social Initiative being responsible for the activities in Kosovo. The initiative supports the Office’s commitment to fight against disinformation threats as well as its strategic support of the Western Balkans in the light of their EU accession process.

FFTC is centered around three key pillars:

Bottom-up training for local partners – Missions Publiques provides comprehensive training and continuous accompaniment to local partners.
Citizens’ Dialogues implementation – Implementation of one-day-long citizens’ dialogues in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. During these, participants will exchange with their peers about disinformation and its consequences. They will count with experts’ input to nourish their discussions and will be accompanied by trained facilitators to produce a set of recommendations on how to tackle this issue. The overarching goals of the implementation of the citizens’ dialogues are to enhance active citizenship in non-electoral contexts, to strengthen civic skills and virtues, and to foster media and information literacy.
Advocacy tool for disinformation counteraction – By capitalizing on the recommendations produced by the participants of the citizens’ dialogues in four different countries, From Fake to Check’s final report will constitute a powerful advocacy tool to tackle the spread of disinformation, foster information literacy, and the protection of democratic values within the Western Balkans on the path towards EU membership.

Duration of the project: 7 months (July 2023 – February 2024)

Funded by: The German Foreign Federal Office

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