Report: Women at negotiating table in Kosovo
This report is part of the EUSR Project “Inclusion of Women at the Negotiating Table in Kosovo”, which is a continuation of the EUSR project (2019-2020) “Women in Politics. Confidence, Influence and Effective Leadership. Ensuring Gender-responsive and Inclusive Political Dialogue Processes.”
The project activities were designed to look closely at UNSC Resolution 1325 implementation in Kosovo, especially the pillar focused on the participation of women in peacebuilding initiatives and negotiations.
The overall objective of the project was to improve the ability of the target group of women to
access positions of responsibility in negotiations as well as to engage in and advocate for the inclusion of women in high-level negotiations and political dialogues, as well as enable the EUSR to keep the dialogue on gender equality and women empowerment with relevant partners from local civil society, professional associations, Kosovo institutions and international community presence in Kosovo.