The project Combatting Disinformation in the Western Balkans (CDWB) has been designed in accordance with the EU Action Plan against disinformation, the European Democracy Action Plan (EDAP), the Council’s conclusions on FIMI, and the European Parliament recommendation on the Western Balkans, mainly regarding providing support in fostering resilience against disinformation and disruptive media campaigns, including those seeking to undermine democratic processes and the sovereignty of the Western Balkan countries.
The implementation of the project will also be mindful of the conclusions drawn from the first EU – Western Balkans Media Literacy Conference regarding the enhancement in the quality of reporting and fact-checking, the strengthening of regulation without curbing free speech, and the increase in transparency of media and media ownership.
The project will develop synergies with Building trust in media in South East Europe and Turkey, engaging press and media councils targeted by the project (A2.1) and possibly supporting already trained independent media outlets’ fact-checking initiatives (A4.1). It will also rely on the analysis of regulatory and self-regulatory frameworks conducted by Resilience, within which potential collaboration around the editorial production could be explored for dissemination purposes (AC5). Mapping Digital Rights Violations and Fighting Disinformation in Central Europe Region, whose database for the monitoring of digital rights violations in the region will provide the necessary evidence for policy dialogue discussions around digital policy (A3.2, A3.3, A5.1.3). Trained journalists on the topic could be targeted for the production of intercultural media content (A4.2).
Cooperation with WeB Media Literacy could be beneficial for MIL content sharing which could be uploaded on the educational platform (A5.1.2), benefiting from an enlarged audience. This Project complements other projects’ efforts in fostering resilient journalism, therefore focusing more on media outlets and media organisations, to help them build on fact-checking practices, as well as other donors investments in independent media’s competitiveness and economic sustainability (e.g. Balkan media assistance program – USAID and Support to Media Freedom and Pluralism in the Western Balkans – EU/GIZ).
The Consortium is constituted of four organisations based in the region (CRTA, Atlantic Council of Montenegro, Centre for Civic Initiatives (CCI), New Social Initiative (NSI), and three organisations based outside the region (EPD, Article 19, Canal France International – CFI) – all with distinct experience in the realm of media, disinformation and democracy support in the Western Balkans. The lead organisation, the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), has a proven track record of conveying different expertise in the field of media, media policy and democracy support in policy dialogue with state actors and other relevant policy stakeholders at national and sub-national levels.
Project duration: 15 November 2022 – 15 May 2024
The project Combatting Disinformation in the Western Balkans (CDWB) has been designed in accordance with the EU Action Plan against disinformation, the European Democracy Action Plan (EDAP), the Council’s conclusions on FIMI, and the European Parliament recommendation on the Western Balkans, mainly regarding providing support in fostering resilience against disinformation and disruptive media campaigns, including those seeking to undermine democratic processes and the sovereignty of the Western Balkan countries.
The implementation of the project will also be mindful of the conclusions drawn from the first EU – Western Balkans Media Literacy Conference regarding the enhancement in the quality of reporting and fact-checking, the strengthening of regulation without curbing free speech, and the increase in transparency of media and media ownership.
The project will develop synergies with Building trust in media in South East Europe and Turkey, engaging press and media councils targeted by the project (A2.1) and possibly supporting already trained independent media outlets’ fact-checking initiatives (A4.1). It will also rely on the analysis of regulatory and self-regulatory frameworks conducted by Resilience, within which potential collaboration around the editorial production could be explored for dissemination purposes (AC5). Mapping Digital Rights Violations and Fighting Disinformation in Central Europe Region, whose database for the monitoring of digital rights violations in the region will provide the necessary evidence for policy dialogue discussions around digital policy (A3.2, A3.3, A5.1.3). Trained journalists on the topic could be targeted for the production of intercultural media content (A4.2).
Cooperation with WeB Media Literacy could be beneficial for MIL content sharing which could be uploaded on the educational platform (A5.1.2), benefiting from an enlarged audience. This Project complements other projects’ efforts in fostering resilient journalism, therefore focusing more on media outlets and media organisations, to help them build on fact-checking practices, as well as other donors investments in independent media’s competitiveness and economic sustainability (e.g. Balkan media assistance program – USAID and Support to Media Freedom and Pluralism in the Western Balkans – EU/GIZ).
The Consortium is constituted of four organisations based in the region (CRTA, Atlantic Council of Montenegro, Centre for Civic Initiatives (CCI), New Social Initiative (NSI), and three organisations based outside the region (EPD, Article 19, Canal France International – CFI) – all with distinct experience in the realm of media, disinformation and democracy support in the Western Balkans. The lead organisation, the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), has a proven track record of conveying different expertise in the field of media, media policy and democracy support in policy dialogue with state actors and other relevant policy stakeholders at national and sub-national levels.
Project duration: 15 November 2022 – 15 May 2024