Political parties of Kosovo Serbs

Political parties of Kosovo Serbs in the political system of Kosovo

This infographic is a part of ”Democracy, Openness and Prospects of the Serb Community in Kosovo – Open” a initiative of the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS), initiated in 2020. Open was realized in cooperation with nine civil-society organizations that are active in the Serb community in Kosovo.

The general objective of this new initiative is development of an open and dynamic space for discussion within the Serb community and between the Serb and other communities, as well as among institutions in Kosovo.

Political parties and the politics of Kosovo Serbs have developed in a complex socio-political environment. Caught between the hammer and the anvil, political-economic dependence and from Belgrade requested loyalty, as well as pressures to take part in Kosovo political life, Kosovo Serbs, despite numerous attempts, have mainly been restricted in the articulation of their politics. Faced with a demographic deficit, shortage of human potential and the loss of intellectual and academic elite, they have (except in rare moments) been doomed to be a political instrument, not an important political player.

See full report on our Publications page

